Things to understand about the new economics
A way out of poverty
A way to give fair value back to the hard working people of the your country
The elimination of poverty starts with an economic system and a parliament that will accept change
Today rather than tomorrow
A millionaire world
Do we still pay tax in a government reserve funded country?
No no no
Zero tax to all

This is South America without the government reserve
Founded by myself, Siuta 'Ekoti Uaisele together with other economic discovered wealth creation strategies so solve the poverty world. The government reserve realises that no matter how high we put up taxation, or revenue collection. It will never be enough to fund the needs of the people. Both public facilities, infrastructures and all other public goods and services.
The government reserve is the new invented funding system for the government. It realises that the needs of the people can be converted into values. Values that were previously seen as costs eg sickness benefit, medicine, public transport, public state housing just to mention a few. With the government reserve. We are turning these value in real demand by creating government value notes that are accepted in trade and market exchange. With the power and reputation of the government. The human base value system becomes the created wealth that the government can bring to life through these value notes.
Are there rewards for your contributions or donations?
The reward will come from the use of the government reserve or security fund to fund world security. It will pay for all medical costs non income tested. It will pay for unemployment support when looking for work. It will pay for a home for everyone at $250,000 to $2 million dollars. Your needs and wants are taken to the parliament where the parliament can create those values. The government reserve notes are then released to pay for those things. You as a business owner gets the orders and the sales. The people gets what they need and the things they could never afford. This is how we all benefit from donating to the funding of the government reserve to parliament.
With that in mind, just like how we can be declined support for rent, or food. Some of us can be declined the access to the programs funded with the government reserve. Funding a bad person gives that person more energy to do more bad.

This is the Middle East without the government reserve
Can one country fund prosperity for the whole world?
Yes, all I need is just one country to accept and run the government reserve through their parliament and the system will be able to fund all the programs designed for the people. My preference is to have a different team with representatives from all the countries to work with. With this platform, the things that the governments of the different countries want to be funded comes through these representatives. We will then go into talks whether it is appropriate to fund these suggested programs or other wise.

This is all of the developed first world economies around the world. A population without jobs. A country with low paid jobs. A country with people who cannot affort surgeries and cancer treatments or age reverse and dead revive.
Is the government reserve system for the whole world?
The government reserve system is for the world.
The offer or permission to use the economic system is put to the government. The government will then decide whether to adopt the system or not.
Some government will choose to stay with the taxation system. This means that I will run the people's program through an NGO(non government organisation). The funds will then come from other countries that runs the government reserve system. For instance:
People wants to have a flying capsule to replace their car but because the price of the flying capsules are $100 million to $200 million dollars per flying capsule. I will then pay for your flying capsule through the government of another country, or the world bank infrastructure or the IMF. The flying capsules will then be delivered to your country. You will then come to the ngo with your I.D and colloect your flying car. It might cost you nothing. It might cost you $100 to $1000 dollar administration fee.
The weakness with this option is. We cannot fund the infrastructure developments of the country such as the roads and airports because your government owns and run those things. Unless the government wants to privatise those things. Privatisation is a weak option for the country and its people.
Rewards for the governments that accepts the government reserve?
Fair value pay
LACA community base value
2,529 % pay rise not 2% or 5%
A payrise that raises their income to the right value in the due regards of the new economics. There is a formula that I created in 2011 called the LACA.
LACA: Lowest Allowable Community Allocation
its been a while, hopefully these are the right words that were written to the formula. I referenced this in the animated movie Frozen. The scene with the Kkristof's sleigh. Let it go' that one.
The LACA formula
The first component in our comfortable donation amount. The amount that the people of the community sees as an easy give. Most people never donates, that's irrelevant to the purpose. The purpose of the LACA formula was to create a formula that people accepts subconsciously. Natural community value formula. The LACA became the cold coin donation perceptual. In western countries, it is the $1 and $2 charitable(might have missed the C and wrote it as community, at some point it was charitable in some of the documents I have written).
1st component is C, charitable, or community
C = $1 to $2 dollars
This gets decided by the parliament and the people. The people can decide in the beginning of every year how much they want to pay their members of parliament. Ofcourse, the members of parliament wants the whole amount which is $2 dollars.
2nd component is population
The head of nations which is the King, Queen, President, Prime minister, Eminance etc is in charge of making things work for the whole country. The head of the nation thereby is justified a fair charitable value as per population.
Extension to the initial LACA formula is GDP
Percentage GDP growth
The percentage of GDP GROWTH becomes a multiplier of the salary of the members of parliament every year. Negative growth percentage becomes a percentage pay decrease from the base salary. Positive economic growth becomes a pay rise percentage on the base salary.
The departments and other staff go on a market value since their contribution is not a direct added value to the country as a whole.

Without the new economics
Poverty is forever
Poverty is forever unless there is a monumental shift in the
economics. Until the government reserve economic reaches a state of acceptance. Thiss will stay the same
Formula continues
New Zealand
Population: 5,291,000
The prime minister of New Zealand will have this salary per year
5,259,000 X LACA
if the LACA is $2.00
The yearly salary for the prime minister is 10
From memory, I did put a cap at $1 billion dollars per year. It was further reduced to $500 million.
The rest of the members of parliament gets an equal proportional percentage lift.
New Zealand Prime Minister pre government reserve received $400,000 per year. The new salary is $10,518,000.
raw salary increase = 10,518,000 - 400,000
= 10,118,000
percentage increase = (10,118,000/400,000) x 100
= 2529.5 % pay rise to all members of the parliament.
The justification for this is as followes. The great wealth that goes to the people comes from the passing of the government reserve through parliament by the sitting members of the house of parliament.