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Tesla electric car program​
Update at 12:57 pm
730 million cars, model se at $35,000.00 us dollars
This is for the energy transition program. Created 1 in 2011-2012 after the design of the government reserve economics. Same price, back then, the order was for 1 billion electric cars. Fully paid through the government reserve special program. To be given out for free to everyone.
​Tesla electric car program​ and the founding of Tesla Update at 12:57 pm 730 million cars, model se at $35,000.00 us dollars This is for the energy transition program. Created 1 in 2011-2012 after the design of the government reserve economics. Same price, back then, the order was for 1 billion electric cars. Fully paid through the government reserve special program. To be given out for free to everyone. ​ Tesla background story Tesla was created after the invention of the electric technology. In my first note, it said to look for a computer person that has money or that has found success. The government reserve was already there but this person is suppose to take my discovery notes and build the car. The government will then come through with a 50 billion dollar cheque through a government reserve special program to fund the mass production of electric cars. The rest is technology stuff about high energy hold battery system. We only needed a tiny little battery. ​ The discovery I made at the time was based on the new finding on energy ​ discovery 1 'energy output can be creater than energy input' ​ The car still needed a little more to make it really work. The solar energy people had problems with having a batter that can make the car go further enough to make the electric car a viable option. From memory, the longest distance a batter car can travel was less than 5 kilometers over a project was done in Australia. I had information that Elon and then could make the car go for 25 kilometers before having to recharge. Good for a tiny little country but not in big countries where most travel takes 20 or 30-120 kilometers. We also have the problem of having to wait until the battery gets charged. It takes about 5 to 20 hours to charge a flat car battery. I had an ace already at the time. ​ I knew that the information I put in the document was enough to make a new metal or matter that can make the electric car go for 100 to 240 km. But, I am a few years away from making the thing myself. The ace then came from another discovery. I call it the 'stepping up system'. This would have been impossible without the knowledge from discovery 1. ​ discovery 2 'two motors produces twice as much energy' Traditional knowledge of electricity told us that this is not the case. It goes back to volt being different from power. The old physics knowledge and teaching misunderstood energy in the context of electricity. V = IR talks only about the strength of electricity, not energy. This mislead many people. (Volt and wire gauge and current) ​ I then made discovery two base on the fact that every thing has an energy containment or energy hold. The bigger the size of the wire, the bigger the size of the energy. The bigger the mango, the bigger the energy containment or energy hold. This allows for the use of more material to powerup the magnetic flux. I have now invented a way to create more energy output from a particular energy input. To some, this seems to be a contradicting finding to nature of electricity. I have build a prototype that proves my discovery. ​ discovery 3 'the wire have energy hold, more wire means more energy' The same size magnet will make more electricity with more copper wire/coil. The coil is not just to conduct electricity. It has stored energy. Electric cars can now be built and run using low energy input. With the stepping up system. The car can travel for 700 km or 800 km on one full battery. And yes, I can create my own energy system using the knowledge I paid for about electricity in Tonga High School. Else, I will use my quantum energy discovery which includes all forms of energy including the soul of a dead person, the sun, the wind, the dark etc. Extension technology Self power cars and things. Since we have more energy output than energy input. If the energy input to power the system is 1e and the system outputs 100e. 99e goes to powering our things. 1e is wired back to power the input motor or device. We now have a selfpower technology. This means that our devices no longer need the charging stations. S.c Siuta 'Ekoti Uaisele discovery extension The energy to overcome friction is less than the the energy created in a motor stepping up system. You end up being able to stack motors to create more and more electric energy output. In the initial strategy, I mentioned the building of the charging station and not building the cars to be selfpowered. That way, we get to make money from the owners of the cars every day from the charge stations. That decision has changed. The drivers will pay $20 dollars per week for unlimited use since the car will require charging from power supplies. In a government reserve world, the government must pay $5000 per car per year.​ Thank you for reading. These discoveries are not available to the public.
Tesla electric car program​
Update at 12:57 pm (easter Saturday, 2024(bubble year), 2035 real time
730 million cars, model se at $35,000.00 us dollars
This is for the energy transition program. Created 1 in 2011-2012 after the design of the government reserve economics. Same price, back then, the order was for 1 billion electric cars. Fully paid through the government reserve special program. To be given out for free to everyone.
Tesla electric home generator program​
Update at 2:07 pm
A generator per person for their home
Price I put up in 2012 or later 2011 was $100,000.00 per person as per world population. For the world to get non diesel run, non wind turbine, or hydro electricity. A special program must be created to pay for the electric generators. One off in full, and as people are born. They can get their generator when they need it. Anyone can ask for extra generators and will be paid for from the special program. The price was $800 trillion us dollars in 2012.
World millionaire program
Update at 2:09 pm
Everyone gets $2 million dollars into their bank account. Good luck.
Home build
Update at 2:15 pm
Everyone gets a $2 million dollar home. Built voucher program
The home program I created started with a $10,000 home program to Africa. It expanded to India for $35,000 then it increases to $50,000 and then $100,000 for India. At the time, the vision was to get the government reserve through parliament then fund a $250,000 per person home at the United States around 2012. The New Zealand government of John Key was given a $250,000 home build, for 100 homes as a pilot. The war in Iraq was still a struggle to the U.S.A. So I built a transition to peace strategy which involves the building of $100,000 home in Iraq. There were references including shooting holes on the wall of the new built buildings to be covered by the news as reference that the $100,000 built in the Middle East happened. This came through Aljazeera News at the time(a few years after the program was written)

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