Background story
Explore the Possibilities
The government reserve is an economic system I created from a personal research I started in 2011 around August which was ongoing until it's final completion a few months ago, 2021. This system was possibly picked up by the u.s.a and were used to fund government programs. It is a detachment from taxation, infact, it is a complete abolishment the taxation system. It took me about 3 years to make the government reserve system fail proof. At this current stage, I am still trying to get the government reserve through the parliament. The theft has been reported to the police. The U.S.A is not authorised to run my government reserve economic system. Another system that was created was the economic cheque system. This system goes throught the bank.
The back bone of this discovery is based on the realisation that we can make value notes base on the value of the things that has a value to humans. These values are both positive and negative. Positive value can be a person wanting food, or clothes. A negative value can be a person committing robbery. The government then must create funds to pay for security, or the police. Usually, the government will earn government revenue through taxation and other methods to pay for the police and the food or clothes of the poor. The government reserve is uniquely different as it is an economic that creates receipts or notes to say. The value of that problem is 3 new police members and it will cost $1,000,000. This takes me back a little to the monetary system, or the human auction ownership system. The gold smith system that eventuated to the banking system. A person will come with a block of gold, and it is given a value note or receipt. My system, works as such:

The government reserve system
Ekoti says
People says
Pass legislation to govern the human value note or value system.
Everything that the people asks for has a human value.
The people turns up at Social Welfare asking for the childrens' school fee to be paid. The government pays by creating that value. And all they need is to sign a government reserve document.
The government no longer need to collect revenue. The first system was designed to be run by a legalise document that gets send to the bank and the value is created through the bank. The other system that were created from the beginning is the government reserve value note system.
Zero TAX
Funding the countries of the world
Everyone gets $1 million dollars from me and the government.
The bad people are not included
Zero taxation
Minimum income of $78,000 per year.
Sanctions and adjustments applies.