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This is what extortion looks like. The use of terrorism technique to effect fear. According to evidence, this extortion is run by kings and their nobles. Part of stealing the government reserve, energy technology, age reverse, dead revive and the cure to all the diseases.


Over all, there have been more than 30 incidents of wilfull damange terrorism extortion with the cars alone.

Terrorism in New Zealand




discoveries from 2004, 2008, 2011-now

ELECTRIC CAR ENERGY, did the people from the oil well of Russia and the Middle East turn up in Tonga and New Zealand?

How much did they pay these idiots to smash the immortality car? 100 million?

All in one go, my white poor car got smashed.

There was a third car, Peugeot! Same thing, it was the consultation visit car, should I be scared of the extortion? Would you?

Second it was the windscreen

A few months later, they smashed the side window

First it was the ripping off of the signs.
Happened more than 5 times




Brain diseases

A few of the diseases

Jiddle leg
Pickpick didle
and more

Understanding bnrain diseases.

new Discoveries
Brain diseases doesn't just happen in the brain. Brain diseases are affected by most to all parts of the body, 99.9%. When you feel anxious, or anxiety. It is a disease of the whole body. Here is an example:

scenario 1
You feel restless. Your legs is getting a pickpick didle. You are shaking or moving it up and down all the time. Is this a brain disease or could it be a leg disease?
answer: It is a leg disease that connects to the brain. The energy situation that causes the leg to move or didle without you thinking about it also overwhelmes the brain. The brain then feels a little didle stress or restlessness.

Here is why it is a disease of the legs with the inclusion of the brain and the rest of the body in most particula.

Inference of quantum level 4(fluid)
The brain is a lower continum energy. Going from the brain to the leg is like water trying to run uphill. So, the disease at water base energy level and human flesh level doesn't travel from the bottom of the body to the top. Therefore, the restlessness you feel at the your tummy, or angle or legs is at those locations. Not the brain. This is now a refto or truth by acceptance because the science is supported by our observation of the real world.

Caution: You don't treat the brain. You treat the legs, or where the feelings are identified. Sometimes it is the whole body.


Inference of quantum level 0(unseen energy eg, air, gravity, heat etc)

Quantum is everything. Since the body is water. Heat travels through water. Cordial travels through water. light or photons travels through water. Electricity travels through water. Feeling or touch can travel through water. Compression travels through water. This tells us that all these types of quantum energies (and others) can travel to all parts of the body against gravity. Therefore, all these energies can go from the didle leg or hand or tummy from where they are up to the brain. We can now move these inferences into a refto acceptance.


We now have enough information to refto that all brain diseases do not just happen in the brain. It has connectivity to most of all parts of the body. (refto)

Caution: Don't just measure the brain when trying to cure Schizophrenia or dilusion. Measure and study the whole body. The dilution can be cause by a fat tummy or fat thigh or big behind. The energy inside the brain could have been energised by the person's big behind(literally). It's like a light bulb, you put more energy to the light buble, then you start to see the things in the dark room. The brain works in the same way.(literally) (refto)


S.c Siuta 'Ekoti Uaisele


"who is leading the brain disease race now aye? lol(still watching my screen, oooh thanks, please refto my discoveries, then bring the cash when you're ready, fast before the police catches you and think that you are corrupt"

Cure and prevention

Pain comes early
Drink green qodine drink
Extract red energy from the body
Any discharge of fluid that is red or redish means your energy is getting close to releasing the baby. Extract purple(bregun), brugun

Cure 1 Bath put a burgundy sheet on the bottom of the bath. Soak for 2 to 4 hours, best result is achieved after 4 hours of soaking in the bath. Do this as soon as the discharge becomes redish. The next bath, use a grey sheet on the bottom of the bath. (repeat again) Everytime you have a little pain then do the treatment. Cure 2 Swim in water depth not deeper than 20 meters. 20 meters of water have an ekso equilibrium continum energy of green. Swimming in 20 meters of water pulls the burgundy and brown energy out of the body. Cure 3 If there is pain and red discharge, or continueous pain. Swim in 30 meters of water. Swimming pool with white and blue bottom colour will still work if the depth is 10 to 20 meters of water. Immortality Ekoti cure

Dead revive

This site is dedicated to the solving of all the mysteries on all lung diseases. They come in different names. The have different problems.

Immortality Ekoti made a discovery that allows Immortality ekoti to cure all lung diseases. Please find the cure at the Disease Cure section. Keep reading if you are interested in reversing your age and become young again.

Meet the age reverse rugrats

Edwynah, Precious, Chris, Josh
and Teu(didn't make the photo)

Age reverse and dead revive is our specialised field and finding cures to all forms of diseases

Reversing age is now a reality
Rugrats age reversal reverse is a service that offers age reverse to the world.

Age reverse     Dead Revive

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new site before after image_edited_edite
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on reversing Kiko snr's age


call now

Immortality Dead Revive 

Today' keep a print of the message on dead revive I send you on facebook. It will be alright.

The good news is, the mystery that was dead revival have been solved. The bad news is. It was stolen by the United States of America according evidence. Possibly in 2008 when I first made a voice and written document of the dead revive(maybe not a written document, it's been a while).


Brief summation
Dead revive

Is this for real many did ask or would have asked when my dead revive surfaced from the U.S.A?


I wasn't there. I wouldn't  possibly know what the reaction was when the dead revive success was announced. This happened during the government of Barrack Obama.

A little back story..

I graduated from the University of Waikato with a Bsc in Computer Science. My field was applied computing specialising in designing websites, databases and programming. In my beginning days at university, I took interest in Physics, Economics and Commercial law. Made the Diamond discovery whilst I was at the University of Auckland. Thank goodness I took out a loan and paid form my tuition fees. ​

I graduated from the University of Waikato with a Bsc in Computer Science. My field was applied computing specialising in designing websites, databases and programming. In my beginning days at university, I took interest in Physics, Economics and Commercial law. Made the Diamond discovery whilst I was at the University of Auckland. Thank goodness I took out a loan and paid form my tuition fees. ​

How it works
Dead revive

To live, the body needs energy.

Oxygen, or quantum energy level 0. Water, or quantum energy level 4. Solid food, or quantum energy level 5(steak, fish, potato). 


Death? There can be many situations that causes death. The main focus of this site is to present the many findings and discoveries that made dead revive a reality.


Discovery of the first probable of dead revive.



Before my work on quantums. I knew air before primary school. And no air means death.


"death is without air. keep on pumping air into the body and the dead will come back to life'


2nd articulation, first probable inherited knowledge.

My second round of thinking took me back to Tonga. "I saw my mother(adopted mother) fanning air to a person that looked dead and unconscious back to life. They also did some massaging of the back shoulder."


The second time I was this happen was outside Lose and Leo Ohi's home, our next door neighbour's home. Someone collapsed, went unconscious, the fanning and massaging​​ of the back shoulder area brought the person back to life.


"one may say that the massaging of the shoulder second to fanning is the 2nd probable"


They were not pronounced dead and it wasn't me.

I have also seen a few death happening infront of me.


The first probable of dead revive is oxygen.

Keep on pumping oxygen and the body will come back to life.


Discovery of the second probable of dead revive.

People kept ending up on the dead table. People in Tonga and the rest of the world were still being buried. 40+ million people dead every year on average.


I made a supsipose base on the oberservation of the conditions of life. Oxygen, softness of the body and now temperature.


The second probable of dead revive is body conditioning by temperature.

Keep on pumping oxygen and the body will come back to life.


Discovery of the fourth probable of dead revive



Can oxygen and temperature fail? What else can we possibly do? What else can we possibly add to our basket of knowledge that we will take with us to dead revive?


Fluidity, energy flow, blood clottings and blockages, muscle collapsing. Water? What if we pipe water into the stomach? There is comfort when the body looses energy with water, generic.


Let's build a few leaves base on the questions we have come up with. What will be the easiest we can do?


fluidity: massaging will help. Ok, massaging of the whole body is probably  needed since the massaging of the shoulder still ends up in death.

I question the reach of the massage to the heart. Do we need to open up the body and massage the heart. Early knowledge, but in this very early phase of dead revive. The question of movement, flow and fluidity must be a probable. Massaging cannot be a leaf. I infer acceptance and thereby, massaging now becomes the third probable of dead revive.


The fourth probable is fluidity in dead revive massaging the body


In some situations, fluidity must be achieved inorder for the energy of oxygen to get to the heart. At this point in time, I work from the base acceptance that life starts from the beating heart. It was at a later time when I was able to discover what life really is. That discovery proved that life does not start from the heart. The beating heart is a consequence of living and an effect of the body being alive. A person can live without a heart according to this finding.


Extension to fluidity

Medicine already available in the medical industry can be used to thin the blood for blood flow.

The kidney blood cleaning machine has relevant use.


Immortality Ekoti extension

The blood is drained, warmed and diluted with purified water(non chemical).

A little sucksion machine to pull the blood out, blood feed back to the body through one of the main arteries.


Warm water flush: blood is extracted and reconditioned through body warming and water dilution. It was anticipated that the blood will become thickened during death state and thereby more energised.


The blood can reconditioned. Fluidity was first inferred to be the achievement of blood flow and the clearing of blood clots.


Discovery of the fifth probable of dead revive.

Blood reconditioning

Although this is a leaf to age reverse, blood reconditioning is very important to death revival.


Keep it simple or make it most complete to the probable?


The keep it simple method

1. Warm the blood up, 30 to 40 degrees (+-4).

Extract the blood. warm the blood up. add a little warm water. Feel for the healthy colour of the blood. Or take a photographic comparison with another colour photo of the colour of healthy blood.

2. Push warm air through the blood and give it oxygen. 4 hours to 8 hours of oxydation(consistent with the continum).


The fifth probable is Blood recondition in dead revive


Discovery of the sixth probable of dead revive.

Blood replacement


We make a device

We use the device to empty the blood

We use the device to fill the body with new blood.


Or we be good to the surgery people so that they can help us empty our body of the old blood and fill our body with new blood.


The sixth probable in dead revive is blood replacement and being good the surgery people.


If the blood replacement people don't help us. Then we are stuck.


Discovery of the seventh probable of dead revive.

Quantum energy flow


All we need is quantum fluidity. Early knowledge of the sciene in Physics says, the brain is electricity and neurons. The neurons fires things around the body that tells the body how to walk, run etc.


The body can't move when it is dead. That means that there is no quantum fluidity. Has the body ran out of water? Or has the body gotten thickened evidenced on the hard body. Quantum energy flow looks at the flow of energy through water and fluid. 


I took the position that, the body needs water or a particular level of water inorder for the body to come back to life.


The sixth probable in dead revive is blood replacement and being good the surgery people.


Then the people will say, how much water, how much water. Then I say "'re asking me?! You must be joking?" Then we quietly try to get an answer that will make it work.


8 billion people have different water intake. seems impossible, seems to be a question that has 8 billion answers.


First and foremost, the water requirements being measured to the exact will take a few trillions of calculations, the ekso continum tells me we need to measure 8 trillion things, maybe 800 trillion things. It is 800 trillion things that we need to measure. Something for quantum computing to calculate.


Let's go with the continum growth formula. We will then use the continum growth formula to calculate how much water the body needs to be at equilibrium in the due diligent of a normal body. The water intake is different when the body is sick or have a problem ie death. 


We want to know how much water the dead person need to drink to come back to life. The dead dude or lady can't tell us coz he or she is dead. Kapoom, gone, no movement, cant talk, no heart beat.


The continum growth energy equilibrium of the earth and the universe tells us that the size of the mouth is the size of the blob of water we need. 


Take one mouth full of water. Measure that amount of water. Then that becomes your per hour water intake. If the body have died for 1 hour. The body will need up to 1 mouth full. The body will need more water if the it was a hot day or the person have been working hard, or the person have not drank water for a while.


We will now apply another piece of knowledge discovery call the continum growth equilibrium. The continum growth rise equilibrium tells us that we need 3 to 4 mouth full. In some cases we will need 8. If the body doesn't wake up after 3 hours of oxidation. Then the body needs 3 mouth full of water. Then an extra mouth full of water for every hour after the first 3 hours artificial water drinking(feeding) of 3 mouthful.


There are 8 billion more specifics in continum divison that is relevant. Nevertheless, the 1 mouth full per hour works fine.


Many of the dead revive becomes successful after 30, 40, 50 and 60 minutes.


Adding more probables soon, the information presented is enough to bring almost every dead person back to life when doing dead revive. I'm going for a walk to all some happiness energy to my day. Then home for some ice cream and probably tinfish or steak for dinner.

Foundation age reverse customer
Are reverse rugrats (3) - Copy_edited.jpg

1 month after the starting of the age reverse

Falakiko Teu was born in October 1937

He turned 90 in the year 2027. In the year 2037, Falakiko will have his 100th year birthday. We are looking forward to celebrate Falakiko's 200th year birthday in the next centry, the year 2137.

4 months after the starting of Kiko's age reverse

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8 months after age reverse started


Falakiko Teu

Is walking without assistance required. The pain for standing long a little longer is now gone. The pain from his joins are now very minimal. His voice has become stronger and stronger. His eyes have now cleared to about 80 percent, settlement back to 60 percent. His will to live and his perspective in life has changed from aging to getting back to fishing. I do look forward to going out fishing with Falakiko again. 

Falakiko Teu born October 1937 of Lincoln, Auckland, New Zealand now knows that he will not be dead from old age as his age gets younger and younger as the months goes pass.

Immortality Age reverse 

Immortality Age reverse 

Age reverse is an unique discovery. A discovery that is not available to anyone else unless through the rugrats team and myself Immortality Ekoti Scholar in human quantum discovery knowledge. That makes these children team the core team to go to when doing age reverse or dead revive.

Any other team that do not have the permission from these children to do age reverse and dead revive are conducting the treatments illegally.

Brief summation

It takes 1 whole year on average to reverse your age by 10 years.

This is consistent with the natural growth of the human body and the natural growth of age in the due dilligent of the discovery knowledge of our continum energy.

The rate of reversing your age also depends on how many hours you commit to do the age reversal.

The fair expectation is:

1 year work for 10 years age reverse if you are 100 years age.

8 months age reversal work for 10 years reversed age if you are 80 years age.

4 months age reversal work to reverse your age by 10 if you are 40 years age.

2 months age reversal work to reverse your age by 10 years if you are at the age of 20.

Average work to put in per day is 6 to 8 hours. More hours means faster age reverse.

Foundation age reverse customer
Are reverse rugrats (3) - Copy_edited.jpg

1 month after the starting of the age reverse

Falakiko Teu was born in October 1937

He turned 90 in the year 2027. In the year 2037, Falakiko will have his 100th year birthday. We are looking forward to celebrate Falakiko's 200th year birthday in the next centry, the year 2137.

4 months after the starting of Kiko's age reverse

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8 months after age reverse started


Falakiko Teu

Is walking without assistance required. The pain for standing long a little longer is now gone. The pain from his joins are now very minimal. His voice has become stronger and stronger. His eyes have now cleared to about 80 percent, settlement back to 60 percent. His will to live and his perspective in life has changed from aging to getting back to fishing. I do look forward to going out fishing with Falakiko again. 

Falakiko Teu born October 1937 of Lincoln, Auckland, New Zealand now knows that he will not be dead from old age as his age gets younger and younger as the months goes pass.

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