Winter diseases
Watery lungs
Mucus lungs
Lung collase
Cystic Fibrosis
Blue bugger 5-7
Immortality Ekoti Lung diseases
user pay


Reverse your age and become younger.
Age reversal is a new discovery
Age reversal is anot a skin care product
Age reversal reverses your age to a younger age.
We can reverse your age from your current age to any younger age.
This site is a platform for everyone that wants to know about age reversal. We are about everyone getting access to age reverse. Reversing your age back to 20 years old from any age gives you another 60 to 80 years to live. Then you will need another round of age reversal. By this time, your age will be 160 years to 200 years. Then the next round of age reversal will give you another 60 to 80 years to live until your body gets older again and in need of age reversal. This process keeps on repeating itself as the body keeps on living. On average, it is $1 billion dollars for every 20 years of age reverse, a total of $5 billion dollars per 100 years of life.
Price part 1: Intellectual discovery, $5 billion per person for the
Price part 2: treatment cost, $250,000 year 1, $100,000 per year up to 8 years in total
Payment types available​
Government reserve economic countries: free to everyone
Government reserve countries: special program, everyone gets paid in full at $5 billion dollars per person per population, plus the treatment cost. The treatment is thereby free for the people. All costs are paid for through this government reserve infrastructure.
Taxation countries: full pay, part pay, Check pay
Everyone pays, those that cannot pay can still have their age reverse and paid for through a loyalty payment.
Check pay: government pays what they can pay
Part pay: 10% of your income and asset is your maximum per week pay, the rest of the value becomes a sessty transaction. or
Full payment
Sessty payment
The sessty part of the payment means that you must pay a percentage to pay off the fullprice when you make more income. The sessty terms is 10% of all new income and assets above the previous level of income.