Who smashed my little work car? Speak or a missile from the heavens falls on your head. First it was my number plate. lol, this little car is worth 100 trillion to Immortality Ekoti, its a foundation car, unbelievable. Extortion people, you must not come back from hell.
This is the evidence that they are all here in Auckland New Zealand, not the fake New Zealand that the cia created in the USA.
It warms up my heart when I see the crooks and the crime family try to extort me. They have all become terrorists. This is done to create fear. They have an underground code, similar to enigma. Only stupid crime families will not have a coded way of communicating their criminal plans.
And only stupid police will think that they know what the crime families are doing. All they see at the end of the crime are the smashed windows of the jewellery shop and the injured security person who works with them. What I have identified is that they plant securities and staff to work at those jewellery shops 10 years or less, waiting for their ram raid to happen.
Did someone say that I smashed my own business car? Please send them to jail, the continum of crime tells us that that person is working with the people that smashed the car.
Ok, the discovery that is age reverse, works. Since 2008 when I was working on the energy technology and the dead revive. People have been breaking our things. Now the cars got smashed a few times. I fixed them, and it got smashed again. I already know it is organised crime. And I get it, the value of dead revive is much much more that all the money made from oil combined. So, when people smash my work car and stain my clothes and bed sheets when I am not there. I tells me it is organised crime. They must be here in large numbers to make millions or billions from me.
The mafia wears green, another mafia(called Tons wears red shoes and black pants). The cry wears white and brown. The maf wears yellow and black I think. The blackpower wears black. The mongrel mob wears red. The Sa(Samoan spy gangs, they wear blue). Some Tonga gang wears red. The rose gang wears u.s.a basketball jersey and shirts. The usa cia wears maroon. The fbi wears pink. The Ekoti pretends to be me, I don't know wheat they are wearing. I think they spy on the clothes that I wear, and wear the same colour combination. All these, organised crime families wears all the colours of the rainbow, all colours are affiliated to a gang. Many chinese organised crime families as well. The Tongas kings gang rides the scooter according to evidence. Some corrupt police there.
They must be thinking that they will make a dollar from me. Every dollar they stole, because it is a crime of terrorism makes them a terrorist. A crime of death penalty where ever they are found. Many are running death revival and age reverse without my knowledge, unbelievable. Justin bieber's gang are here as well, the ms13. The wise are here in Auckland as well, the peole that wears white pointy shoes and stribe suite in the movies. Some of these gangs are running the brands that I created, Schecher, Smith and .., Dior, Swarovsky, Mirrow, gucci, St Laurent, Balenciaga. The Will and William, King Richard(the wise). All the gang platforms, wants to steal using the government reserve. Also the shydes, so on and so forth.
Age reversal is like your toe nail. If you don't cut them. it will get long. If you stop reversing your age. You will get older and older.